Best programming language to learn in 2022

28 Jul, 2022

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With a great number of programming languages, it might be overwhelming to decide which programming language to choose to enhance your skill in 2022. With the advancement in technology, every now new programming language or updates with the older one are being released. With the rise in job opportunities and positions in top companies for software developers and interns, it has become a must to grab multiple or at least one programming languages skills.

There are popular and recently developed programming languages with booming job demands like Python, Go, Swift, Kotlin, R, and more. There is not much competition for such jobs with lucrative salaries and positions but challenges come with fewer vacancies as many giants are still using old technologies. Such booming languages can assure some security as it is much young and might be widely used for a couple of decades as future technologies, allowing being an expert in the field.

Programming languages that are old yet promising in the tech market today can also easily grab our attention as many robust applications are still being developed in such languages as JAVA, C, C#, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, Ruby, .Net, and more. There wide range of job opportunities in these languages. But there comes the risk of these technologies being legacy in the future and having senior developers working in these languages with over 10 or 20 years of experience in this field making it difficult for the newcomers.

There are many popular tools we can use to check the popularity and usage of different programming languages used by developers worldwide based on their search patterns and surveys. Tools like PYPL, TIOBE Index, IEEE Spectrum, and Stack Overflow developer Surveys. These tools give you the best idea of popular and trending programming languages with their history of usage and future trend predictions.

We have enlisted the best programming language to learn in 2022, observing the latest technological trend and job market.

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Python can be considered the top programming language and can be regarded as the language of the future. IT has gained huge popularity in recent years with its easy-to-read and write syntax with a lesser number of codes and accelerated output. Even though it was first developed in 1991, it has gained n wide popularity and is claimed among the top programming language in 2022.

Below are some amazing Python has offered us:

  • Python can be used to develop anything with its high flexibility as it can be used in the development, Data Science and machine Learning. It can easily integrate with variants of Java and C.
  • Companies like Intel, Facebook, Spotify, and Netflix are also using Python for their development, AI, and machine learning purposes.
  • We can use robust libraries and frameworks like Django, TensorFlow, and Numpy.
Java logo


Java is one of the most popular, powerful, and widely used programming languages used in the current time being used to develop and run over 15 billion devices. It was created in 1995 and is widely used for web development, fin-technologies, android applications, television, cloud application, and artificial intelligence. Even though it is considered an old technology it is so widely used that it's still impossible not to explore this technology.

Let's explore the robust features java offers us:

  • Java is cross platform, Object -Oriented Programming (OOP), run almost on any device and Operating system with Java Virtual Machine(JVM), and also has great control over the browser.
  • It is easy to learn for the beginner with a standard code base, libraries, and frameworks.
  • Considered one of the most secure programming languages and used widely for Fin-tech and e -commerce platforms. Companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Adobe, Instagram, and much more use Java as their secure programming language.

With all the amazing and powerful features Java is rich in, it also comes with challenges for entry-level programmers as it is 2 decades old programming language which means there are senior-level programmers with 20 years of experience which sometimes makes it difficult for juniors to compete with or upgrade their position, but it is not always the case.

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C logo


C Is one of the most powerful and influential programming languages created so far used by a large number of developers, and used on billions of devices so far. Even though it was created in 1970, it is still very popular and the best choice for developers who want to learn programming languages.

Some powerful feature of C programming are listed below:

  • It is extendable and with in-build functions and operators.
  • It is easy to learn for the beginner with a standard code base, libraries, and frameworks.
  • It is powerful programming language designed for development of operator and compiler due to its low level access to memory ,simple set of keywords and clean style.
  • It is simple to comprehend with rich library functions.
  • Giants companies like GitHub, Telegram messenger, and MasterCard use C for their development.

Codding in C can also be challenging for beginners as it is strict and has a steeper learning curve. But with all this downside it is a great and powerful language to begin your programming career with.

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C++ is super set of C programming language so it is very powerful programming language. Even though it is 10 years older than java and it is capable of building anything from normal application to entire operating system . C++ will teach us fundamentals of programming language but is not easy to learn with difficult syntax compared to Python.

Lets learn more about amazing feature C++ has to offer :

  • Rich in the robust back end, enabling you to build any kind of powerful application.
  • C++ is completely portable, it allows us to run the same program on different operating systems and interfaces.
  • It is Object Oriented and Multi-Paradigm programming language with strong Memory management.
  • It is completely compatible with C and has huge community support which is a very good advantage.

C++ can be challenging in little degree compared to C to become productive. But same time it allows us a higher level of control than other languages.

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php logo


PHP is among the first server-side scripting language that can be embedded with HTML to add functionality to web pages. It is a general-purpose scripting language that is suited for web development. It is a very powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive web pages.

Some of powerful feature of PHP are listed below:

  • PHP is widely used open source, free of cons, platform independent, and can be run on any OS.
  • Laravel, Symfony, Slim, CodeInteger, and more are the popular framework used to build PHP-based applications.
  • PHP is so popular and one of the best choices for website and web development because and only because it can be embedded into HTML.
  • Famous social media and other platforms run on PHP like Facebook , Yahoo, and Wikipedia.

The only downside that comes with PHP is that it is not very secure like Java for running on a large application with poor error handling mechanism. It also cannot support a large number of applications.

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Go or Golang was developed and released by Google in 2007 for API, servers, networking, and Web development. Go is one of the best choices among programmers and beginners for its simplicity and easy learning curve. Go has the rich ability to handle multi-core networked systems and massive codebases.

Some rich features of Go are discussed below:

  • As it is a new programming language, young developers might find it easier to land jobs due to fewer experienced competitors.
  • Go was created to handle large projects and has gained popularity among large IT companies.
  • Tech Giants like Google, Uber, Twitch, Dropbox, BBC, Medium, and more companies use Go.
  • Go is a future programming language and it supports AI, Data Science, and Automation processes.

With all the amazing and powerful features Java is rich in, it also comes with challenges for entry-level programmers as it is 2 decades old programming language which means there are senior-level programmers with 20 years of experience which sometimes makes it difficult for juniors to compete with or upgrade their position, but it is not always the case.Go is not a generic programming language with less community support, which means you may end up writing more code compared to another programming language.

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swift logo


Swift is one of the most popular programming languages developed by Apple Inc, which targets the development of Apple Mac or ios development. It can be used to develop other platform-based applications but it is mainly targeted to develop Apple-based products. It is based choice for beginners and programmers who want to stick to this particular area.

Some robust feature of Swift is listed below:

  • It is an open source platform with a simple learning platform and requires fewer coding skills compared to other programming languages.
  • It is rich with dynamic libraries with enhanced performance with easy to learn and maintain code base.
  • It can be used with IBM Swift Sandbox and IBM Bluemix.
  • Giants companies like Apple, Instagram, Uber, and Slack are based on Swift technology.

Even though being a strong programming language it is still young with poor interoperability with third-party programming languages.

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Kotlin has recently become one of the popular choices for developing mobile applications for Android and also for ios development after Swift and Java. It is much lighter and much easier to pick than Java which makes it popular among Android developers. It was developed by Jetbeans in 2011 and the first version was released in 2016. Kotlin can also be used for a web applications, desktop applications, and server-side applications.

Some beneficial advantage of Kotlin are listed below:

  • Kotlin is interoperable with Java and supports functional programming languages.
  • Can be used for both ios and android mobile application development.
  • It is rich in enhanced security features,concise code and structured concurrency.
  • Kotlin is used by many famous business firms, social media platforms, and tech giants like Pinterest, Coursera, Uber, Trello, Amazon, PostMates, and many more.
  • Most of Google application are build on Kotlin.

The only drawback it has fluctuating compilation speed and there is no static keyword in Kotlin.

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R language logo


R is an open-source language used for processing large data and statistics. For developers who are seeking a future in Data Science,Graphics and statistics Ri is the best choice for them. It is not a very easy language for beginners with a moderate learning curve.
However, it has a very active community of online programmers which adds an advantage for learning a new language.

Some amazing feature are discussed below:

  • It is also used for linear and non-linear modeling, calculation, testing, visualization, and analysis.
  • Ideal for machine learning and has a huge advantage in managing data.
  • Is an open source platform that supports cross-platform functionality in different OS with Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.
  • It is object oriented and highly extensible programming language.
  • It has rich and extended libraries for interactive graphics.
  • Huge tech companies use R for their companies like Amazon, Flipkart,Google, Linkedin.

Learning R come with huge advantage as it has high job vacancies but with shortage of professionals which can give great career advantage for beginner.

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JavaScript logo


JavaScript is one of the world most popular client side programming language which is used in around 97% percent of websites all around the world. It was intended to develop web browser but are widely used for server side website deployments and non website application as well.

Some of powerful features of JavaScript are listed below:

  • Provides user input validation features and can run immediately on client side browsers.
  • Reduces the demand on website server.
  • Used almost everywhere on the web.
  • It has easy learning curve and implementation with organized code base increasing productivity.
  • Used by tech Giants like Microsoft,Uber,PayPal,Google,Walmart etc.

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Ruby is object oriented programming language which is very simple to learn with human friendly syntax and also consists of great object oriented architecture like procedural and functional programming notation. It is often describe as elegant programming language by the developers. Ruby on Rails (“RoR”) is the popular web based framework based on Ruby widely used around the globe.

Some of the amazing feature of Ruby is listed below:

  • Ruby helps on building e-commerce sites providing solutions that can meet business requirements.
  • It is an open source platform.
  • Huge companies are implementing Ruby such as Airbnb,Apple,Group, Hulu, Dribble and more .
  • It can be used to run sprawling apps such as Shopify and GitHub.
  • Ruby is generally very consistent in nature having syntax that allows you to build skills and solutions without the need to learn a lot of things.

Here we have summarize some best programming language you can learn as a beginner or also as an intermediate programmer to grab new skills. No matter which programmer language you are going to learn which increase you programming and problem solving ability . It will help you boost your career and increase your chances of landing lucrative position and handsome salary keeping you always ahead than others.

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